Fishing aboard the Miss Beach Haven should be a day of fun not a voyage of misery! That’s why we offer our Summer Time patrons a number of opportunities to fish with us on the relatively calm waters of Great Bay or Little Egg Harbor. We understand the nature of seasickness and how it could ruin what should’ve been a great day. Generally, our Ocean trips have a bit more potential for a good catch and with that, I would like to give you some helpful information on what is and how you could possibly prevent seasickness.
Seasickness occurs when your body, eyes and inner ear all send different signals to the brain resulting in confusion, queasiness, and nausea. The rocking motion of the boat causes all objects on board to move constantly with respect to a fixed reference such as the horizon. These visual cues along with the balance system of your inner ear cause your sensory perception to get out of synch and your nerves are constantly trying to compensate for the unfamiliar motion of a rocking boat. Its as if your brain is being told by your eyes that the world is steady whilst your inner ear is telling it something different.
After repeated voyages on a boat your brain may learn to compensate for the rocking motion of the boat and you will earn your “sea legs”. The funny thing about that is after a prolonged voyage it may take some time to get adjusted to being back on land again!
Here are some tips for preventing seasickness:
- Get a good night’s rest prior to your trip being well-rested can help you cope better when at sea.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages before and during the trip as alcohol can cause dehydration which can contribute to the onset of seasickness.
- Avoid greasy foods as they cause your stomach to produce more acid which can increase your chances of bringing on the heaves.
- Avoid activities that introduce eye strain and concentration like reading and tying knots. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
- Keep your eyes directed on a fixed point such as the shore or horizon.
- Drinking plenty of water helps avoid dehydration and may reduce the potential for seasickness.
- Stay out of the cabin and get fresh air staying away from engine exhaust if possible.
- If the boat is pitching while underway, keep to the stern as it will be moving the least.
- If the boat is rocking side to side stay close to the centerline as there will be the least motion.
- Over the counter Motion sickness remedies like Dramamine®, Bonine®, or Equate® can help. With over the counter remedies it is best to start using them as directed on the package 12 hours prior to making your voyage as they are most effective upon building up in your system for a bit.
- Prescription meds like scopolamine (Trans-derm scop®) which is a patch that goes behind the ear is reported to be very effective.
- Herbal remedies such as “Sailors Secret” Ginger capsules are considered effective.
- Wearing a Sea Band provides stimulation to the P6 acupressure point. This is known to help some folks.
- It can’t hurt to have some antacid tablets or a bottle of Pepto Bismal along as these might help settle your stomach.
If all of the above fails and ya find your self queasy and green, there is not a whole lot you could do about it. Worshiping the head on a party boat will only worsen a bad situation so its best to hang your head over the rail and let mother nature do the rest. Some folks recover after vomiting once or twice but others don’t. If you could try and eat a little something like bread or crackers it may help to settle your stomach. Otherwise, you will just have to tough it out till ya get back to the dock.